The Dashboard View provides the user with a simple and effective way to view all the relevant information at a glance.

Dashboard – Introduction

On the Dashboard page, you can see a summary of your Email HistorySent TextsNew ContactsImportant AppointmentsOpened Emails, Received Texts, Updated Contact InfoFresh To-DosRecent ActivityReferral SourceActivity Calendar, and Relationships status.

  1. Emails Sent and Emails Opened opens a quick view to see all emails sent and opened by potential contacts within a specified time frame.
  2. SMS Sent and SMS Received retrieve a log of text messages you've sent and received. These features aid in tracking text-based interactions.
  3. Contacts Created and Contacts Updated Monitor the addition of new contacts. This function offers visibility into the growth of your network.
  4. Overdue Appointments and Activity Calendar be presented with a list of your current and overdue appointments.
  5. Recent Activity Gain insight into recent interactions, helping you identify engagement trends and patterns.
  6. Referral Source Access information about the sources of your leads and the number of leads generated and the status of the lead's engagement aiding informed decision-making.
  7. Relationship Status provides a pie graph with a breakdown of your contact's statuses with percentages. 

Use this view to manage your day at a glance.

If you are a Lead Gen/Lead Management user, you can switch your view to look at the lead opportunities. This supports the views for the hand-offs that you have with your leads.

From there, you will see the lead status in terms of performance metrics:

  • Handed-off Value is calculated by the average market value in your area
  • Handed-off is the number of qualified opportunities that have been provided
  • Responded are the number of leads who have responded to the Ai
  • Leads Added are the number of leads that were added to the system
  • Potential Leads are leads who have expressed some interest.