The final release for 2020!

Trigger Action Plans from the Contact List

- This feature has made sense for a while now.

- The ability to go into the Contact List or an individual contact and trigger any action plan from there.

- Instead of only being able to trigger from the Action Plan itself.

Updated ISA Page

- The ISA page has been updated to ONLY show active conversations.

- Enabled ISA to use the Annette Reporting to identify stale/inactive users and bring in into ISA.

- Revamped the ISA layout to make it similar to CSM processing.

- Ability to edit the phone number because calling a lead.'

Annette Updates

To expand on the previous release, the following updates and bug fixes have been made to Annette processing.

 - Ability to specify a date/time for follow up rather than delay

- Fix to add conversational replies from agent into the conversation view of contact

- Reporting fixes of number of hand offs and nurtures

- Fix bugs in total count and auto refresh of the incoming messages

- Auto lock and unlock messages on viewing by CSMs

- Ability to see ALL Annette-enabled contacts in reporting

- Enable cut-pasting into editor


The following bugs have also been fixed

- Show spouse name instead of multiple contacts if a reply is received from spouse

- Ability to send a contact to Annette whenever an Annette specific AP is triggered on it

- Added an alert on Teams app for the messages received by Sparky

Added Last Year (2020) To Date as an option for Leads Filter