Press a contact's name to the Manage Contacts, you have an easy way to manage your client contact. When viewing the contact's information, you have one-click access to do a number of things:

  • 1. Send an email (with our Premium add-on)
  • 2. Send a text message (with our Premium add-on)
  • 3. Add notes
  • 4. Edit a contact
  • 5. Add a reminder/appointments
  • 6. Access the complete contact file (which brings up the detailed contact page)
  • 7. Delete the contact file

In the top section, you can see a number of available options:

  1. Add a Contact: You can add a contact by clicking on the '+ Contact' button. This allows you to manually add a contact.
  2. Download Contacts: To download the complete or partial (using the filters) list of your contacts, simply click here and it will be downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet.
  3. Select Columns: This allows you to configure the view of columns that you want to see for your contacts. If you want to keep this view, simply save the report view (See bullet point #6.)
  4. Mass Option/Bulk Action: These are the available actions that can be performed in bulk. This includes deleting contacts, editing details, group email, group SMS (premium add-on), etc. 
  5. Search Contacts: Search for your contacts through your list by searching for a keyword like last name or first name. Our search smartly detects common fields including first and last name, email address, and phone number. 
  6. Show Filters:  This allows you to create a specific list of contacts. You can select the basic filters such as Buyers or Sellers, Spheres, etc. If you can even Show More Filters to do advanced filtering! Remember to Apply! 
  7. Save a View: Once you've created the view of contacts that you want, you can save this view.  You can create as many views as you want.

Where else can I find more Training Resources?

  • Our knowledge base and FAQ section is a great place to get started.
  • Here are some quick training videos to help you get started.

If you have any questions, email us at [email protected].